Baseball Canada to host scoring training session for women
Photo: Baseball Canada
April 28, 2021
Baseball Canada
REGISTER: Intermediate Scorers Training Module for Women!
Ottawa, Ont. - Like baseball?! Have an interest in learning the ins and outs of scoring?
Baseball Canada’s Scorers Committee will be hosting an Intermediate Scorers Training Module for women only on May 15 that is FREE to register for!
Aileen Hartman, vice chair of Baseball Canada’s Scorers Committee, will be leading the training that will take place in a virtual environment.
She offers a wealth of scoring knowledge developed over the years through her interest in baseball as a player, parent and administrator with St. Albert Minor Baseball in Alberta.
Her most recent accomplishment is the co-authoring and producing the Scorers Manual which will act as the guideline for scorers appointed to future Baseball Canada National Championships. This comprehensive manual provides instruction and training from basic to experienced levels and includes instruction for use of the electronic scoring app GameChanger, the official scoring software for Baseball Canada’s National Championships.
Under her leadership, this manual has now evolved into a virtual training program which will be used to certify scorers for future Baseball Canada National Championships. Her goals are to continue to improve as a scorer, mentor others to love the challenge of scoring and one day work at an international event as a scorer.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn from one of Canada’s most knowledgeable scorers in a fun and interactive environment!