Canada's Baseball Mom I: How to properly prepare for the off-season

Editor’s Note: We blame Kevin Costner and his line from Field of Dreams where he asks, “Hey dad ... want to have a catch?” Too often we make the game about fathers and sons. That’s true, but it is also about mothers and sons. So, in our ever-expanding coverage, we now will feature a regular blog by an experienced baseball-loving single mother. Her name is Steph Van De Ven. And yes, this hire improves our writing and content. Enjoy and learn moms. We know in reality you are really driving the bus as the anchor of most baseball families.

January 24, 2025

By Steph Van De Ven

Canadian Baseball Network

Right now, if you’re reading this and if you’re like me, you’ve enjoyed a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of baseball.

This Baseball Mom Blog focuses on Being A Baseball Mom: How to Successfully Prepare in Off-Season.

Don’t get me wrong - I love ball all day every day - but there comes a point in a Baseball Mom’s life where you are tired of listening to the ping of the aluminum bats, the echoing sounds of indoor practice, and the early-early morning rise or late-night drives home from practice.

If just for a little while, the break is a welcome feeling for a Baseball Mom in Canada and then? It’s Indoor Training Time.

It got me thinking that there really are only two seasons for Ball Moms ... one is the actual season, and the other is preparing for the season. It reminds me of weather in Canada: Winter or construction.

So ... how do you successfully transition from one to the other while still keeping sane, and being prepared? In this blog, I’m going to dive into my tips for successfully transitional seasons as a Baseball Mom and feature the best products and items that I love using to help me do exactly that.

It’s All About the Junk in Your Trunk

How junky is your trunk right now? If I took a pic for you at this exact moment you would see a combination of salt, water bottles from 2024, 10 pairs of Rawlings pants, dirt, grime and a bunch of ball socks that still need to be thrown out or washed.

We’ve learned our lesson when it comes to keeping our ball gear in the trunk overnight during cold Canadian winters - don’t. Everything seizes, your kids Rawlings glove will crack - no matter the leather - and it’s not good for your equipment overall.

So how do I keep my trunk organized and clean for winter training so we can transition easily without having to outlast the frigid cold?

Storage Totes for The Win!

Twice every year, I spend about an hour or so organizing the trunk. This year I’m behind - but we still have another couple of months to go before ball season/opening season so I will be starting this week!

My favourite totes are on Amazon Canada, and I prefer the clear totes. That way I know what’s what and I don’t have to spend time guessing. I also use frog tape and label them so we’re good to go when drop off happens.

A Baseball Mom’s Best Friend - Storage Totes for any season!

In these totes, I make sure we have the essentials like empty water bottles, a change of uniform or clothes, additional cleats/turf shoes and any apparel needed at all times.

I also include granola bars (yes, even in Winter) and some other non-perishable snacks in case we’re stuck or in a jam.

One last thing I always have in there is an emergency car kit, jumper cables, tea light candles, a box of matches and paper towel and toilet paper. You never know in Canada and being prepared for anything as a woman? Makes 100% sense!

Gas Cards Every Pay Day

I know it sounds a little strange - but I ‘treat’ myself to gas cards every pay day. This is because I’m a busy single Baseball Mom and I have to not only keep my entire life and schedule together, but I need to keep my kids together too.

This means inevitably I’ll forget something and gas is the very last thing I want to forget especially in wintertime - so I grab gas cards twice a month and use them when I’m in a pinch or forget to grab gas, or for me? I am notorious for forgetting my wallet at home - so having gas cards ready to roll when I need them has been a lifesaver for me personally!

Never forget to gas up your car the night before - and never say “I’ll do it in the morning!”

I also love the Esso station near my place because their nozzles still have the little metal piece attached so you can set up your gas and hop right back into your car while it does it’s magic and you’re warm and toasty!

Remember: Never, EVER say: “I’ll just get gas in the morning. No one ever does and by the time you do, you’re going to run late. Get it the night before - always!”

Stick with me - I’ve got all the tips!

Stocking Up on Baseball Gear - Best Time of Year!

Right now is one of the best times to stock up on ball gear and depending on what age group your kid plays, there are some GREAT deals out there on quality gear like Rawlings Icon bats, Rawlings Heart of the Hide gloves, batting gloves and more.

If Santa didn’t bring everything on the list - you’ll want to stock up now and while your coaches organizes and prep for the team uniforms, you can get everything else ready now, and over the next few months.

One thing I learned this past season was that you want to invest in the following, no matter the age:

A Gamer Bat and a BP Bat - Get Both!

It really makes sense once I explain it to you - but before I found out - I had no idea!

You definitely want a gamer bat for your child or children - a bat that you only use for games, and a BP bat - a batting practice bat.

It’s sort of like indoor and outdoor shoes - both are designed to withstand the environment that they’re in - and you should treat bats the very same.

During BP - and in indoor training - a lot coaches use a pitching machine with Rawlings training balls that are dimpled. The only issue with these balls is that when used repeatedly, it causes strain and wear and tear on your bat.

After you’ve invested in a quality baseball bat - the last thing you want is for it to be worn out by the time it’s ball season, right?

This is where you can purchase either a good used aluminum bat, or hopefully the team has a few loaner bats you can use for practice instead of your Icon or Hype Fire!

As much as they’ll want to try out the bat and use it at BP - you’re the one who invested in this - so keep it at home Baseball Mom’s!

Carpool Karaoke - Ride Sharing is Caring!

In the past I have had the support and friendship of local baseball families who could help me out while I ran my business or had previous commitments.

I’ve always found that in baseball the drama is far less than in any other organized sport (ahem ... hockey) and the families I’ve gotten to know over the years were absolutely wonderful and helped me out when I needed a ride for my son to tournaments or games and I was eternally thankful!

So, if you can, try to get rides with other families for indoor training and practices so you can get to some of the other important things you need to do, and this goes the same for if you’re feeling burnt out.

This also encourages community and gives your child or children a chance to get to know other team members to create camaraderie on and off the diamond which is ideal in my opinion.

This is also where the gas gift cards come into play! (see how I roll?) You can send along a thank you gas gift card for helping you out and it really does go a long way.

Where Do You Buy Your Baseball Gear?

There are so many great Canadian Retailers who stock baseball gear all year long and one of my favorites is Home Run Sports in the GTA.

They have a huge selection of Rawlings and Easton gear and the staff know what they’re talking about.

If you’ve got a kid just starting out or you’ve got an aspiring USA Collegiate player like me - they’ve got everything you’ll need from gloves to gear and you can shop online from the comfort of your own home and get it on your doorstep pretty fast!

This year, my favourite products are: (and my 16-year-old son agrees)

Gloves - Rawlings Heart of the Hide Vibrant Series Baseball Gloves

Bats - Icon, Mach AI or Hype Fire

Batting Gloves - Easton Walk Off Ethos Batting Gloves

Training Apparel: Rawlings Color Sync Training Apparel

Happy Off-Season Baseball Moms!

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