McGill drops Redmen nickname
McGill celebrating its fifth Canadian Collegiate Baseball Association tournament, Photo: Lindsay duPhily.
Decision about Redmen name
On April 12, 2019, Principal Suzanne Fortier announced that McGill’s men’s varsity sports teams would no longer be called the “Redmen.” This decision followed an extensive process of consultation and deliberation launched in December 2018, and was implemented with immediate effect.
Changing the team name will not change our community’s enduring passion for athletic excellence, or its connection to a sporting legacy that dates back to the 1860’s. We will continue to honour the generations of athletes who have worn McGill’s colours with pride, just as we will honour those who will do so under a new name in the generations to come.
Below are responses to some of the most common questions we’ve received:
1. Why is McGill changing the name of its varsity men’s teams?
In announcing her decision to change the name, Principal Fortier noted that although the “Redmen” name was not intended as a reference to Indigenous peoples when it was adopted at McGill, it has since taken on pejorative connotations. These derogatory associations are not reflective of the beliefs of the generations of McGill athletes who have proudly worn the University’s colours. But neither can we ignore what this word has come to mean. Many of our Indigenous community members told us that the name made them feel disrespected, and that it caused a deep sense of conflict between their pride as Indigenous people, and their pride as McGill students.
Inclusion and respect are at the core of McGill’s principles and values – and hurtful, pejorative language runs contrary to who we are as a community. For these reasons, the Redmen name is not one that our community would choose today, and it is not one that McGill will carry forward into our third century.
2. How was this decision made?
In December 2018, Principal Fortier began reflecting on the guidelines proposed by the Working Group on Principles of Commemoration and Renaming, with a view to determining whether to change the name of McGill’s men’s varsity teams. She also reviewed more than 400 communications comprised of e-mails, letters and web form submissions. In addition, she sought direct counsel from the Working Group’s co-chairs as well as more than 60 individuals, including students, alumni, faculty, staff, current and former athletes, Indigenous community members and others. This extensive process informed her decision, in April 2019, to retire the former name effective immediately.
3. Why didn’t McGill strike an arm’s-length committee to decide on this question?
In December 2018, the Working Group on Principles of Commemoration and Renaming recommended that arm’s-length committees be struck to consider individual renaming issues. However, as part of her decision-making process over the past several months, Principal Fortier reached out to the Working Group’s co-chairs to seek their advice. They advised that in this particular instance the creation of a committee was unnecessary, as there have already been many substantive, meaningful opportunities for McGillians to make themselves heard. As noted above, these have included a multitude of open letters and e-mails, a web form on the McGill site, a petition, articles and op-eds in student and external media outlets, a vote undertaken by McGill’s undergraduate student society, peaceful demonstrations and more. The Principal agreed that an additional committee was unlikely to yield any substantive new information or perspectives to inform her decision, and that the time had come to decide.
4. How will a new name be chosen?
Principal Fortier has asked Prof. Fabrice Labeau, Interim Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning), to establish a steering committee that will lead a consultative process for choosing a new name that everyone can wear, and cheer for, with pride. The committee will engage our varsity athletes, and the broader McGill community. Details about this process will be communicated in the months ahead. It will take time for our community to decide upon a new team name that honours our long history of athletic achievement, but we will get there.
5. When will the new name be announced?
The new name will be announced in the spring of 2020, following the step outlined above. Male varsity athletes will compete under the new name in the 2020-21 season. Until then, our men’s varsity teams will simply be called “McGill.”
6. Will McGill remove all instances of the former name from its campuses?
We will remove signage, banners, flags, clothing and branded merchandise on campus by fall 2019. However, changing the name is not an attempt to rewrite history, or in any way diminish the pride that so many of us feel for our athletic traditions and accomplishments. We will continue to celebrate and honour this legacy, and though our athletes will compete under a new name going forward, the former name will remain in the McGill Sports Hall of Fame and on existing items of historical significance (e.g. plaques, trophies, championship photos, etc.).
7. What does this mean for male varsity athletes competing in the 2019-20 academic year?
Their athletic seasons will continue as scheduled, and they will compete under an interim name – “McGill” – until a new permanent name has been chosen. They will also be invited to play an active role in the process of choosing a new team name.