Ontario Blue Jays coach Steed joins the Braves
Highly respected Ontario Blue Jays coach Mike Steed has been hired by the Atlanta Braves. Photo: Ontario Blue Jays
January 31, 2022
Official Ontario Blue Jays News Release
It's with incredible happiness that the Ontario Blue Jays announce that pitching coordinator Mike Steed has joined the Atlanta Braves organization as a pitching coach beginning this March.
He has spent the last seven years with OBJ, leading collegiate fall tours and our pitching staff. He will remain with the program as the pitching coordinator/college placement advisor and will be in-house all off-season while spending his spring and summer with the Braves.
He is and will continue to be an integral part of the Ontario Blue Jays and we as a program could not be happier for him to make this jump to professional baseball.
"I literally could not be happier for Steeder, what he's taught me over the past seven years can't be put into words,” said Ontario Blue Jays GM Joe Ellison. “He's an incredible person and incredible coach. I can't wait to see him succeed at the pro level. Our organization now has a professional at the helm of our pitching program. We literally couldn't script it any better for our guys."
"I couldn’t be happier for the man I look up to the most,” said Ontario Blue Jays president Corey Eckstein. “There’s nobody more deserving of this new venture as I know it’s been a goal of his for quite some time. We are thankful he wants to remain on board with us at OBJ as we continue to learn from him during the times it matters most - the off-season."
Current assistant pitching coordinator Jared Kennedy will step in as interim pitching coordinator when Steed is with the Atlanta Braves.