Swift headed to Okanagan College
Photo: Okanagan College Athletics
November 12, 2020
Official Okanagan College Baseball Press Release
The Okanagan College Coyotes baseball program is excited to announce the signing of Clark Swift for the 2021-2022 season.
Swift, who is currently a member of the Okanagan Athletic U18 Premier team, will attend Okanagan College’s business program at the Kelowna campus.
“We are extremely pleased to have Clark join and commit to our program,” says Head Coach Geoff White. “He has had a tremendous fall, made significant progress, and has a lot of potential.”
Swift is 6-foot-2 and 180 pounds and he brings a tremendous amount of athleticism. He has primarily played in centre field this fall, while also logging time on the mound and infield.
“Clark brings a ton of versatility; we like how athletic he is and that he has experience in a variety of positions,” added White.
The Mount Boucherie High School is a product of the Okanagan Athletic Premier program. He has progressed through the ranks from the Junior Premier team to now a leader for the Senior program.
“Swift has been around the stadium for a while. There is history with the family along with two younger brothers that are and have gone through our Junior Coyotes program. All have shown tremendous passion for the game and outstanding work ethic. We are excited that Clark can be the first of three brothers to possibly go through our Okanagan College Coyotes program,” said White.
The Coyotes wrapped up their fall season in late October that saw them mainly play inter-squad games and compete with the Okanagan Athletics U18 due to the COVID restrictions currently in place.