WCBL's Saskatoon Berries hire Hoetmer as mental performance coach
The Western Canadian Baseball League’s Saskatoon Berries have hired Joshua Hoetmer as their mental performance coach. Photo: Saskatoon Berries
February 26, 2024
Official Saskatoon Berries News Release
SASKATOON, Sask. - The Saskatoon Berries Baseball Club is pleased to announce the hiring of Joshua Hoetmer as the team's new mental performance coach.
Hoetmer is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant and was the Canadian Sport Psychology Association 2017 Young Professional of the Year.
With over a decade of experience, Hoetmer has honed his skills working with organizations such as Saskatoon Blades, Vauxhall Academy of Baseball, Hockey Canada, and Alberta Sport Development Centre. His portfolio includes experiences with Movember’s Breaking the Ice mental health program and the 2021-22 Women’s Basketball Big South Champions, Longwood Lancers.
Hoetmer’s expertise extends beyond working with teams and individual athletes, as he has taught sports and exercise psychology courses at Lethbridge College.
Hoetmer is based in Lethbridge, Alta., supporting athletes in-person and virtually through his business, HMPC Ltd.