Baseball Spring Training for Fans course set to begin 41st season
Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame inductee Bill Humber (left), shown here with fellow 2018 inductee Lloyd Moseby, founded Seneca’s Baseball Spring Training for Fans course in 1978.
By Larry Robertson
Saturday Season Opener
Baseball Spring Training for Fans 2019 – Our 41st Year!
The fortunes of the Toronto Blue Jays may not be as blessed as they once were, but the 41st season of Baseball Spring Training for Fans (BSTFF) is blessed with the presence of the radio voices of the Buffalo Bisons and the Blue Jays.
Pat Malacaro and Mike Wilner are part of this season’s all-star line-up that is augmented by the presence of Rob Thomson, Philadelphia Phillies bench coach, and player agent Blake Coroski.
Former BSTFF alumnus Maxwell Kates and Hank Davis will give their take on Canadian baseball writers. It’s a great line-up as everyone knows and will be augmented by some surprise guests.
Time is fleeting and Saturday is close at hand, so if you have not done so, you should enrol now. You don’t want to be left standing outside the door.
This 41st season of this baseball ritual in a Seneca College classroom is hosted by Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame Inductee, Bill Humber. It runs six Saturdays, from January 19 to March 2 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. (no class the Family Weekend of 16 February). Enrolment fee is $81.36.
Advance registration is required. We cannot accept cheques or cash in class. So it is essential you complete the registration process before attending through the following process.
Start by googling Seneca College Baseball Spring Training for Fans IMG931, or you can register online here.
You can also register in person at Seneca’s Newnham campus at 1750 Finch Ave East. It’s also the location of the course.
What’s in store? Highlights include: the entire history of baseball as seen by Bill Humber; a journey through the minor leagues; and other leading personalities from the world of baseball. We’ve never disappointed! And we’ll share memories of the 2018 Canadian Baseball induction ceremony in June.